
Here are a few of the reviews for my books.

Praise for Dragon’s Mind

“When Dragon's true nature comes to light, Myth is forced into a fast paced, exciting rescue mission where she must rely on his disembodied voice to save them. A cast of interesting characters, high tech goodies and humorous banter makes this book fun and fast reading.”
An review

“I really liked the main character Myth. The story itself was very fast moving. What I liked most was the fun interactions between Myth and Dragon. This book had a lot more humor in it than I expected. I recommend this one if you are looking for a fast fun sci fi read.”

“The storyline was very easy to immerse myself in, which enabled me to finish it pretty fast. Very enjoyable, and I will be looking out for the sequel.”

Praise for Lethal Takeout

“I truly enjoyed reading Lethal Takeout and look forward to reading the next installment of The Ghost Post Mystery series. This book is suitable for adults and YA.”

 “I enjoyed this book with its light humor and interesting blend of ghost story and mystery. The dialog between the characters and the interactions between the ghosts and the people was snappy and entertaining.”

“Just reading the title made me wonder, what could be lethal about takeout? As I read this book by talented author, Vered Ehsani, all my questions were answered. The characters in the story are likeable and eccentric. The storyline is crisp and moves at an enjoyable readable pace. There is humor, which is sometime dark, but will have you chuckling out loud.”

Praise for Diary of a Part-Time Ghost

“…a fun, easy, and enjoyable read! It had the right mix of adventure and humor.”
A review

“It will keep you hooked until the last page and you certainly don’t need to be a ghost or a kid to enjoy it.”
John Rykken, author of Bloodwood

“I would recommend this to any YA/Juvenile fiction lovers. It's a light and easy read that will surprise you with all of its twists and turns.”

“A very captivating and interesting read, Vered Ehsani has done an excellent job… Genuinely enjoyable…”

Praise for Where Shadows Dance

“This is an awesome book! I love the way Author Vered Ehsani didn't leave my mind hanging for a second. Once I picked up her book I didn't put it down till I was done. Vered opened my mind up to Ghost, I loved it!”

“…there are some big secrets that come to light that almost made my head spin. There are so very many ways this series can go that it's really kinda awesome. Fun with a nice historical twist, the idea that negativity breeds more negativity is still alive and well in this installment.”

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